What is Assisted Living?

Assisted living is a safe and responsible option for any elderly/disabled individual interested in maintaining their independence with specialized assistance for daily activities, all while living in a protected group housing facility.

There are many kinds of assisted living homes, many with varying levels of care. Assisted living offers a vast range of living spaces, from private to shared rooms, for those who need any day-to-day care.

Assisted Living now consists of many choices in terms of facility size- from large, apartment-like buildings with conveniences included to smaller enduring houses with around 6 residents. All options offer basic support while others offer staff medical care.

What is a Residential Care Home?

Residential Care homes, known as board and care homes or care homes, provide our close-knit community of guests with personal services. This includes daily living assistance, lodging, and meal service.


Apart from nursing homes, care homes are designed to create and improve enjoyable living versus a medical based schedule. Services offered at residential care homes are on a need basis of each resident.

Are You or Your Loved One a Candidate for Assisted Living? 

Assisted living facilities serve seniors who are looking to make the transition from a home, nursing home, rehabilitation center, or even hospital.


Candidates and the criteria for additional daily assistance is dependent on the individual’s overall ability to perform certain daily tasks. Residents with cognitive or physical disabilities are cared for by our skilled staff.

What Does A Residential Care Home Provide?

1. Care and Security
The residential community helps alleviate many of the ample pressures of living alone. Assisted living facilities are created with safety prioritized, as well as qualified personnel on call to report to any need of a resident.

2. Individual Living Experience
Residents are free to socialize with other residents in our friendly environment, while still experiencing a personable at-home experience. A unique community-like living allows for friends to help keep you feeling youthful, energetic, and positive.

3. Enhanced Lifestyle
Extensive, engaging activities and events give rise to physical and mental wellness. Progressive food nutrition services along with modern wellbeing programs tremendously impact physical and mental health.

4. Assistance and Support
Whether someone needs help with daily tasks or is feeling overly isolated, our staff is qualified and ready to be there. Residents may be greeted by a daily caregiver who helps with any vital skills including taking a bath, getting dressed, and monitoring medications.

What is CCSP/SOURCE program?

Community Care Services Program (CCSP) and Service Options Using Resources in Community Environments (SOURCE) are Georgia Medicaid Waiver programs. Both CCSP and SOURCE assists individuals who are elderly and/ or functionally impaired to remain in their homes and/or communities. For eligible participants, CCSP/SOURCE offers community-based services as an alternative to nursing facility placement. Whispering Pines personal care homes are qualified as CCSP/SOURCE providers.

Who is eligible for CCSP/SOURCE programs?

Community Care Services Program (CCSP) and Service Options Using Resources in Community Environments (SOURCE) are Georgia Medicaid Waiver programs. Both CCSP and SOURCE assists individuals who are elderly and/ or functionally impaired to remain in their homes and/or communities. For eligible participants, CCSP/SOURCE offers community-based services as an alternative to nursing facility placement. Whispering Pines personal care homes are qualified as CCSP/SOURCE providers.

The eligibility criteria for CCSP/SOURCE include the following:

  • Medicaid eligible or potentially eligible
  • Functional impairment caused by physical limitations (Note: Alzheimer’s and dementia are physical conditions.)
  • Unmet need for care
  • Approval of an intermediate level of care (LOC)

How can I participate the CCSP/SOURCE programs?

Please call us at 706-270-1605 and let us know that you are interested in obtaining services. We will provide guidance and assist you through the application process if you are eligible.